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学术报告:Hecke-type algebras and equivariantcohomology of flag varieties



报告题目:Hecke-type algebras and equivariantcohomology of flag varieties





报告摘要:The algebraic/combinatorial method in the study of cohomology of flag varieties was started by Demazure and Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand in 1970s (for ordinary Chow groups), and were continued by Arabia, Kostant-Kumar, Bressler-Evens in 1980s-1990s (for equivariant singular cohomology, equivariant K-theory and complex cobordism). It was generalized to general oriented cohomology theory by Calmes-Petrov-Zainoulline, and later by myself with Calmes and Zainoulline.  Such method is based on the Bruhat decomposition of flag variety, and the fact that the convolution action of divided difference operators on the fundamental class of identity point generates the whole cohomology ring. The dual of the algebra generated by divided difference operators will be the algebraic model of equivariant oriented cohomology of flag varieties, and many important structures (Bott-Samelson classes, push-pull maps, characteristic map) can be seen from this model. I will give main ideas of this method.

