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学术报告:Shift functor and its application in representation theory of infinite categories



报告题目:Shift functor and its application in representation theory of infinite categories



联系人: 余铌娜助理教授


Representation theory of infinite categories has provided a uniform approach for representation stability theory, a new active area investigating the asymptotic behaviors of representations of a sequence of groups (for instance, symmetric groups, general linear groups, etc.). It has been observed that many interesting categories in representation stability theory, such as FI (the category of finite sets and injections), VI (the category of finite dimensional vector spaces and linear injections), are equipped with self-embedding functors, inducing shift functors in their module categories.

In this talk we describe a formal procedure establishing various properties for representations of categories equipped with nice shift functors. Explicitly, if a property (P) of representations (for instance, finitely presented property, having finite projective dimension, etc.) behaves well under the shift functor, then all finitely generated modules over Noetherian rings satisfy (P). In particular, we obtain a few easy criteria guaranteeing important properties such as Noetherianity, finite Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, and polynomial grwoth property.



